In the fast-paced world of technology, where innovation is the currency and change is constant, finding one’s path can be daunting. Fireside, a platform dedicated to supporting women in tech, celebrates the successful completion of its pilot mentorship program that partnered more than 15 women and 3 tech companies –Datadome, Cegid and Doctolib -, in an effort to create guidance in the techsphere.  This article explores the journeys of three mentees – Felana Letrange – Web Developer at Alt, Florence Le – Marketing Lead at Miro and  Jacqueline Rwanyindo, Software Engineer at Ippon Technologies – whose careers have benefited from the program. Their stories reveal how personalized guidance can transform potential into progress for many women in tech like themselves. 

Seeking Guidance and Growth

The decision to seek a mentor often stems from a desire for personal and professional development. Florence recognized a need to bridge the gap between her current role as an executor and her aspiration to become a senior leader with business influence. For Felana, the motivation was to find guidance from someone who had experience in her current situation – transitioning into the tech industry. Jacqueline saw mentorship as an opportunity to build confidence and expand her network.

“When I came across the mentorship announcement from Fireside, my initial thought was to look into it next year, once I had gained more confidence, to apply. Then, I realized that it would be the perfect opportunity to work on this lack of confidence right away”, added Jacqueline.

Expectations and Outcomes

Each mentee had unique expectations from the program. Florence hoped for a “game changer” that would challenge her thinking and provide clarity on her career path. Felana sought understanding and support during moments of doubt, while Jacqueline aimed to build confidence and benefit from her mentor’s experience.

The results were overwhelmingly positive. Florence felt renewed and gained clarity on her strengths, weaknesses, and the steps needed to achieve her goals.

“My mentor challenged me to think differently. I now clearly see what I need to do to get where I want to be, and I also understand my weaknesses and strengths. Having a community of other mentees like myself and having a sense of belonging within a larger group or community of mentees allowed me to feel supported by other women in tech.”

As for Felana and Jacqueline, each found an attentive ear and a source of unwavering support. Jacqueline felt having an impartial person allowed for her to have access to an invaluable personalized resource.  

Benefits in Professional and Personal Growth 

All three mentees found reassurance and guidance in navigating the tech world following the program. Jacqueline valued the impartial career discussions and resource recommendations. Felana echoed how the mentorship program allowed her to gain the confidence to grow personally and professionally:

“It has helped and continues to help me move forward, dispel my doubts, believe in myself, and, most importantly, believe in my choices. It also helped me accept my career path.”

For Fireside, the impact of mentorship extends beyond career development. As Antoinet Van Dalen, our founder and president, asserts:

Mentorship in tech is a must’ because it fosters innovation, bridges the skills gap, and cultivates a supportive community that drives both personal and professional growth. Based on our first successful mentorship pilot, I would like to expand our program, ensuring more individuals benefit from the invaluable guidance and support mentorship provides.

Advocating for Future Mentees

The Fireside mentorship program demonstrates the power of guided support in empowering women in tech. By providing a platform for knowledge sharing, confidence building, and networking, such initiatives play a vital role in fostering diversity and inclusion in tech. As these mentees’ experiences show, the right mentorship can be transformative, offering not just career guidance but also personal growth and a sense of community in an often challenging industry.

Visit our website for more info about our mentoring program here.