The Fireside’s team worked together to select and list a top 5 of talks to empower you! Have a look at the talks that we selected for you and let’s know what you think of it :
Casey Brown – Know your worth, and then ask for it
“This is a lesson that all women need to hear more – you are worth being paid, and well! Women are consistently paid lower wages than men and one way that can be challenged is by knowing your worth and knowing how to ask for it. This talk will inspire you and give you confidence when asking for that raise.”
Crystal Martin – Small ways women can support each other at work
“We must always attempt to lift as we climb”. From her background in coding, tech, and education, Crystal Martin’s super dynamic and engaging talk looks at specific situations where women’s voices can get overlooked, and gives you concrete ways to advocate for other women in your organisations.
Rocío Lorenzo – How diversity makes teams more innovative
“Who do you hire? Who do you develop and promote? These are the 2 most important questions to ask when looking at making businesses more diverse, something that this talk argues is vital for healthy and innovative businesses. Rocío Lorenzo discusses a study she did into diversity and innovation and proves that having more women, more people of colour, and more people from a diverse range of age groups (amongst other criteria) is very good for business.”
Erica Joy Baker – How do we bridge “the anxiety gap” at work?
“Can I be myself today?” – a question that many who are in marginal groups in their workplaces are forced to ask. Erica Joy Baker speaks about this “the anxiety gap” that many of us face, preventing us from being ourselves and performing at our best. This talk discusses how we can build workplaces that eliminate that stress and allow our co-workers to thrive in safe environments.”
Mellody Hobson – Color blind or color brave?
The subject of race can be very touchy. As finance executive Mellody Hobson says, it’s a “conversational third rail.” But, she says, that’s exactly why we need to start talking about it. In this engaging, persuasive talk, Hobson makes the case that speaking openly about race — and particularly about diversity in hiring — makes for better businesses and a better society.

By Anna Malzy
Professionnal Coach
And translator
Find her on LinkedIn